At Ancaster Pain Relief, Marion has been dubbed “The Pain Whisperer” by her clients. She can zero in on your pain, find the cause and, in most cases, get rid of it.
She uses a combination of techniques including Dolphin Neurostim, Acupressure, specialized forms of Reflexology, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy and Bowen Therapy but her passion is Myofascial Release. She has studied Myofascial Release extensively and finds that it is powerful yet gentle and very effective.
After working in insurance for many years and becoming more and more interested in various forms of body work, Marion decided to take the plunge into full-time self-employment in 2005.
Ancaster Pain Relief has been growing rapidly ever since!
Marion’s schedule is very full and your name might have to be added to a waiting list before you can be guaranteed a regularly scheduled appointment.
Once she has found your fascial restrictions and you have felt them release, you will be passionate about Myofascial Release too! It is a highly effective way to reduce pain and increase range of motion.