Corporate Chair Massage
There are so many benefits to chair massage…
It Reduces Stress
Chair massage is a relaxation massage in a specially designed portable chair which is adjusted just right for your body. The chair is cleaned and a fresh cover placed on the face rest for each person.
It Feels Great
Chair massage is primarily for the upper back, shoulders, neck and arms but other areas can be incorporated.
It Triggers a Relaxation Response
You wear your normal clothes and no oils or lotions are needed.
It Eases Tight Muscles
Chair massage is by far the easiest way to achieve superior relaxation – and it can be done in the length of a coffee break!
It’s Better Than a Coffee Break
You will not believe the degree of relaxation that can be achieved in such a short time!
It’s Affordable
Amazing stress relief at your workplace, home or special event. We come to you!